Friday, February 21, 2014

Four years ago, this was us after the Canadian Womens' Team won the gold medal in hockey during the 2010 Olympic Games.  It was incredible being present for such a proud moment for Canadians.

Fast forward four years...T1D has sure changed this Olympic experience.  Yesterday, while the Canadian women were battling for the gold medal, against the USA, I was fretting that Carter had just had his first 'low' glucose test...3.9.  I know that might hardly count as a low, but it was the first one and it made my heart jump and all of a sudden the reality of this disease is becoming more and more real.

That being said, I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that once his glucose level came back up that I wasn't pretty excited about the game ;-).  The win was topped off nicely with the men's team beating the USA this morning in the semi-finals.  It's also very inspiring to learn about athletes like Kris Freeman, an American cross country skiier, who has Type 1 Diabetes and is competing in his fourth Olympics!

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