Monday, February 17, 2014

Pavlov's Dog

A co-worker sent me this quote form Pinterest this evening.  I'm not sure that I am strong, but that is my only choice, because I want what is best for Carter and Charlie, and will do what it takes to ensure they have the best care available to them when it comes to their health.

On another note, Carter is catching on to this whole Diabetes treatment thing pretty quick.  A breakdown of his day:

8:00 - Glucose test #1 (with blood from finger poke)
8:00 - Insulin injection 1 - long acting
8:00 - Insulin injection 2 - short acting
8:00 - Breakfast (carb time!)
10:00 - Snack (carb time!)
12:00 - Glucose test #2 (another finger poke)
12:00 - Lunch (carb time!)
1:00 - Nap
3:00 - Snack (carb time!)
5:15 - Glucose test #3 (another poke)
5:15 - Phone call to endocrinologist at ACH to give sugar numbers from previous 24 hours and to get new insulin doses for next 24 hours
5:15 - Dinner (carb time!)
5:30 - Insulin injection 3 - long acting
8:00 - Glucose test #4 (last poke of day)
8:00 - snack (baba time)
8:00 - Insulin injection 4 - short acting
8:15 - bed (zzzzzzz)

The brave little man doesn't even cry with the glucose tests any more (well today, anyways) and the tears, kicks, and screams are lessening with the insulin injections.

He's already figured out that after his glucose is tested he gets to eat carbs..."Mama, test sugar!"  He's even taken to the thermometer that his Auntie Shar gave him in his toy medical kit and is using it as his 'glucose tester'.  The dogs, our international student, all my fingers and toes are glucose tested regularly by Doc Carter.

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