Tuesday, February 25, 2014


It's not what you think.  Carter's glucose has been on the low side (3.3, 3.8, 3.9) for the last few days.  The lows are scary.  It's a place that I don't like my brain to go, but it's also a reality of this disease.  If he goes too low and becomes hypoglycemic, the consequences could be very dangerous.  Hypoglycemia possibilities make rational caregivers irrational.  Waking up during the night to do glucose tests to make sure your lil' man is not too low.  Wondering if the temper tantrum he is having is because he is 2 years old or because he is going into insulin shock.  Not fun stuff.

The endocrinologist says we are likely in the 'Honeymoon Phase'.  The pancreas is rather happy that there is finally some insulin coming into the body and any beta cells (the ones that produce insulin) that may still have some life left in them will start producing a small amount of insulin on their own.  It doesn't mean he's cured, it doesn't mean we caught it in time, it doesn't change his diagnosis.  Eventually Carter's immune system will attack those remaining beta cells as well.  In the mean time, his insulin dosage decreases to compensate for the insulin being produced, naturally, by his pancreas.

On a positive note, Carter has managed to gain 5 lbs from February 11th, when he was admitted to hospital.  He's got a little pot belly going on lol.  We also had a short visit to Strong Start today.  The boys love going to see BJ, the coordinator who runs the Strong Start program in the school I am principal at.

I'm planning to head back to work next week.  It is not without some big time anxiety though.  Daddy does a great job of making sure Carter's dietary needs are taken care of and that he has all of his insulin etc...the mama bear in me is struggling with the what if's...what if daddy doesn't notice that Carter is running low?  Gotta wrap my head around that one...I suppose every T1D parent has to cross that bridge at some point.

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