Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Difference 10 Days Makes

Everyone tells you how resilient kids are and when you are faced with something as serious as Type 1 Diabetes you wonder how your lil' one will respond to all those finger pricks and needles each day.  I must say I'm really proud and amazed at how well Carter has adjusted.  "It's time to test your sugar, Carter," results in him coming right over to the couch to do the deed.  He's even taking to helping out...

The kit - Glucose strip, finger pricker, and glucose reader

Carter pulls out a wipe to clean his hands, don't want to get a false
high reading because he was eating an orange 2 hours earlier and
didn't wash his hands...I wonder if boogers would increase the number?
Carter puts the glucose strip inside the meter...
got this step down pat.
Doesn't even flinch anymore, then helps put away the kit.
He even throws out his own used test strip.
The 'long acting' insulin shot before bed.  This one is a slow release
that doesn't peak until the middle of the night.
Although he is only 2.5 years old, he's already shown an incredible amount of resiliency and I'm pretty sure he'll give T1D a run for it's money.

I'm quite excited about the online support groups I have found; one is for parents of toddlers with T1D and the other is for Canadian Parents of Children with T1D.  I have a feeling these folks are going to provide me with a lot of information, support, and a common understanding of where we're all coming from.  

That said, I've also got a fantastic co-worker who has successfully raised her daughter who was dx at 5 years of age.  Ash is now 17 and doing awesome at post secondary and playing high level sports.  A great role model for Carter.  Her mom was the first person I called when I had a 'hunch' Carter might have T1D, and I'm sure there'll be many more texts/emails/phone calls when I have questions for feel like I'm at the tipping point.  Thanks, DC!

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